Under hela sin karriär har den demokratiska senatorn Elizabeth Warren, som sägs vara en potentiell presidentkandidat 2020, hävdat att hon är härstammar från USA:s urinvånare. Då president Donald Trump utmanade henne att göra ett DNA-test för att bevisa detta gick hon till slut med på det. Resultatet blev något av en besvikelse för Warren. Dessutom tar Cherokee Nation, gruppen Warren påstått sig tillhöra, avstånd från henne.
I Sverige beskriver medierna detta som en stor vinst för Warren, medan sanningen är att det blev ett rejält bakslag.
Warrens DNA-test visar att hon möjligen är 1/1024-del urinvånare, vilket är mindre än den genomsnittliga amerikanen.
Tidigare i sin karriär har hon till och med hävdat att hennes etnicitet är “Native American” och att hon är en “woman of color”.
Thank you to the Cherokee Nation for revealing that Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, is a complete and total Fraud!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 16, 2018
I en lång Twittertråd listas en del av hennes många falska påståenden genom åren:
Every Time Elizabeth Warren Has Lied About Her Native American Heritage:
1. Elizabeth Warren self-identified as a "Native American" in the The Association of American Law Schools Directory of law professors in every edition printed between 1986 -1995.
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— Benny (@bennyjohnson) 15 oktober 2018
2. After becoming a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Warren demanded the University change her faculty listed ethnicity from “white” to “Native American.”
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) 15 oktober 2018
3. Warren was identified by Harvard Law as a “woman of color.” Harvard promoted Warren’s hire as expanding their campus diversity by hiring a woman with "minority background" onto their faculty.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) 15 oktober 2018
4. Warren claimed that her mother and father had to elope due to her mom’s obvious Indian heritage and the white bigotry of her father’s family. Here is a photo of Warren's mom: pic.twitter.com/B2zSHdNkXL
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) 15 oktober 2018
Here is video of Warren telling this story: "My mom and dad were very much in love and they wanted to get married. My father's parents said 'Absolutely not because she's part Cherokee and Delaware.' After fighting it they eloped." pic.twitter.com/3lGCf9xGmY
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) 15 oktober 2018
5. Warren submitted multiple recipes for the Indian cookbook “Pow Wow Chow” and signed her name, “Elizabeth Warren – Cherokee” pic.twitter.com/Fr3ECGsUa2
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) 15 oktober 2018
6. Warren used offensive, racially charged language to defend her claims of Native American heritage, declaring that her family had “high cheekbones” like “all the Indians do.”
Here is video of that moment: pic.twitter.com/DzU60yowHe
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) 15 oktober 2018
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7. Warren has now claimed that she *may* have 1/1024th Indian DNA. This is equally problematic since DNA science proves that the average white American has .18% Indian DNA, far more that Warren's .098% (lowest estimate according to study) https://t.co/tNwZcdIDeS
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) 15 oktober 2018
8. Multiple members of Warren's direct family have disputed her claims of a "proud Native American heritage." They deny the Senator's Indian heritage stories fervently:https://t.co/iF53pWxymP
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) 15 oktober 2018
9. Warren's DNA report did not measure actual Native American DNA. The report actually measured Colombian, Mexican and Peruvian DNA. Of which Warren *may* have a tiny, tiny fraction – possibly. pic.twitter.com/SK7LExbawl
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) 15 oktober 2018
10. It is very difficult to argue that Warren did not commit racial fraud. She used the advantages in the system to advance her career with no evidence (to this day) that she is actually Native American. Democrats defending her behavior on this point is dubious – at best.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) 15 oktober 2018
UPDATE: Cherokee Nation says
Warren’s DNA test is “wrong” & “dishonors legitimate tribal governments and citizens whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage” pic.twitter.com/oAipLkFo9m— Benny (@bennyjohnson) 16 oktober 2018
11. This article about diversity in Ivy League Law Schools classified Elizabeth Warren as Harvard Law's "first woman of color.”
Fordham Law Review, 1997 pic.twitter.com/fhzTsU6v98
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) 16 oktober 2018
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